KB Fit Britt

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Holiday Hardstyle Pentathlon Challenge: Introduction

Holiday Hardstyle Pentathlon Challenge 2018

Every Monday of December, a new kettlebell challenge will be released. You must complete the challenge and post a video along with all relevant information (your bodyweight and your kettlebell weight and/or reps) on social media and tag me @kbfitbritt . You can attempt as many times as you like during the week, but once you submit your attempt by tagging me, that is the score I will record. I will only accept scores that are submitted before the release of the next challenge. At the end of the 5 weeks, your score will be a compilation of your scores from each of the 5 events. 

There will be one male and one female GRAND PRIZE winner, who will be crowned the Ultimate Hardstyle Athletes of my holiday challenge. Grand prize winners will receive a kettlebell of their choice from Kettlebell Kings, goodies from VIKN Performance, and a personal training session with me (online or in person)! You MUST be subscribed to my mailing list to win - click here to subscribe.

I hope you decide to take part in the Pentathlon! The challenge will be a great way to stay active during the holidays, especially because it's not a big time commitment. You might even form some new goals for your kettlebell training after trying the challenges! 

Specific information on each event will be released each week, including rules and scoring details.  If you have any questions, please comment below!