KB Fit Britt

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Hiking Cowles Mountain

But first, let me take a selfie:

Hats and sunscreen are a must out here!

Cowles Mountain is the highest peak in the city of San Diego, at 1593 feet. The hike was hot and sweaty--a great workout! I was rewarded at the top of the 1.5 mile climb with a 360-degree panorama.

One of the main things I've come to note over the last few days is that life after college (aka "the real world") can be lonely. No one has the same schedule, especially if you have an atypical one like working at a gym, so it's hard to meet and get to know people. Of course this is exacerbated by the fact that I'm new to the San Diego area and don't know many people, but I just never realized how much jobs separate people from forming the same type of bond as you have in elementary or high school from seeing the same people day in and day out.

I finished out the day with a great kettlebell and strength training session at KOR Strength in North Park. Friendly, fun people who like to get their sweat on... I love the gym environment!