KB Fit Britt

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Kristen and Britt qualify for the World Championships

This past weekend, I traveled to Chicago to compete at the American Kettlebell Alliance National Championships - the qualifying meet to compete at the Kettlebell Sport World Championship. Both Kristen and I qualified for the World Championships in Dublin, Ireland! I won the 63kg Professional Snatch (24kg) with 92 repetitions, and Kristen won the 68+kg Amateur Snatch (16kg) with 206 repetitions. As a proud coach, I want to add that Kristen's event was the most competitive one of the day (22 lifters) and she took first place overall (although Teri S. and Jenna B. gave her a good run for her money!).

Team KOR brought five competitors to the event, including myself. The boys (Dan, Alan, and JJ) competed in the Amateur Biathlon (24kg) and Beginner Long Cycle (16kg) events. Dan didn't have a good day on the platform, but will be back up next weekend at the OKC NorCal event to give it another shot. This was JJ's first GS event, and he will definitely return for a round two. Alan set a personal best of 89 repetitions in 16kg Long Cycle.

There were lots of amazing Kettlebell Sport athletes at this event, and I loved watching everyone lift - a few highlights for me included the men's Professional events, Val Pawlowski achieving Master of Sport in 24kg Long Cycle, Miranda (15 years old) and Rylee (14 years old) from Ice Chamber lifting 24kg, and the 16kg Snatch event.

I'm stoked to be heading to Dublin at the end of November. I'm planning to make a European tour and visit any and all kettle-friends that I can, so if you live in Europe and have a couch and kettlebells available... let me know!

The best part of the competition was bonding with kettle-friends, old and new. I was floored that so many of you read my blog and follow what I do with KB Fit Britt. Thank you for your support - it's what motivates me to keep training hard and providing unique content for the Kettlebell Sport community!

If you missed the event, you can watch the footage here.

Did you watch the AKA Nationals livestream? What was your favorite event to watch?