KB Fit Britt

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Win At Life by Lifting Kettlebells

This weekend at the OKC Cali Open 2015 at Innovative Results was amazing! Big thanks to John, Jason, Nazo, Aaron, Ada, and the rest of the OKC crew who put on a great competition. We need more big meets like this to keep growing the sport and inspiring athletes!

I left the competition on a high because not only did I hit a competition PR of 92 reps in 24kg snatch and finish my first 10 minute set of 2x16kg Long Cycle with 82 reps, but I won a round trip ticket to Dublin for the IUKL World Championships in November!

(Yes, I am 100% aware that I still need to qualify at Nationals. That doesn't mean I can't be excited about my free ticket!)

When I moved to San Diego, I was simply hoping to continue training for Kettlebell Sport by finding a gym that had competition bells I could use. I never imagined I'd find an entire team that would be super motivated to travel and compete along with me! I'm a very proud coach this weekend with my athletes' results and grateful for the awesome camaraderie and friendship within our team.

Lauren and Elsa kicked ass in 12kg Biathlon. They are quite the competitors and both demolished their practice numbers by 40+ reps (clearly, they were sandbagging in class). Lauren and Elsa finished with 143 jerks / 178 snatches and 160 jerks / 174 snatches, respectively.

Margie did her FIRST ever Kettlebell Sport competition and she did great - 106 in 12kg 5-minute Snatch, and 127 reps Long Cycle in 10 minutes. Plus, she was the best cheerleader and kept me going during my TALC set!

Andrew completed THREE 10-minute sets with the 16kg this weekend - a weight with which he only started practicing after the West Coast Classic three weeks ago! He completed 91 jerks, 156 snatches, and 61 reps of Long Cycle.

Dave and Wes went head to head in 16kg Snatch and 16kg Long Cycle this weekend, and then managed to share their sweaty armpits with me... (see above photo). This was Dave's first Kettlebell Sport competition, and Wesley's first time doing the competition with some proper coaching. Dave finished with 177 in Snatch and 70  in Long Cycle, and Wes completed 201 in Snatch and 105 in Long Cycle.

Kristen aka Ms. KOR the Viking Princess put up another great number with the 16kg - 179 reps. Although she's disappointed with the number, personally I'm a little jealous she beat my competition PR with the 16kg at her SECOND competition ever...

Dan Beardstrong Big Butt Bettcher put up some great numbers: 174 in 24kg Snatch and 80 in 20kg Long Cycle. He was the last man snatching up on the platform when the 10-minute mark hit - gotta love it when your lifter outlasts everyone else!

Erik lifted 20kg Snatch for 112 reps and 20kg Long Cycle for 57 reps - and realized that he needs to come down to North Park consistently so he can get some KOR coaching to improve his numbers!

I'm definitely winning at life right now - and all because of Kettlebell Sport! Competing in this sport has helped me find a true passion and allowed me to travel and meet some amazing people. I met more new kettlebell friends at the OKC Cali Open than any other competition, and I can't wait to reunite in the future! Keep up the great lifting my friends!

If you're going to the Texas Open Kettlebell Sport Championship in Austin on May 23, are you interested in doing a Snatch workshop with me? Let me know in the comments or email info@kbfitbritt.com.