Posts in Kettlebell Sport
Return to KB Sport Series #2: Emily Doenlen
Competitions, Guest post, Health, Injury, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sport, Nutritionbrittanyvsbroken arm, Emily Doenlen, injury, recovery, return to kettlebell sport
3 Kettlebell Mobility Drills
Fitness, Health, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sportbrittanyvsbackbend, bridge push through, drill, jefferson curl, mobility, stretch, stretching, weighted shoulder dislocations
Kettlebell grip: Thumbs forward or thumbs back?
New AKA National Records
Competitions, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sportbrittanyvsaaron guyett, AKA, AKA Nationals, alan calero, bill esch, carter berry, Chris Doenlen, christian goldberg, david steele, Eric Reyelt, jason sanchez, kevin ouldhouse, National record, nocona jodrey, ramin medhat, tasha nichols, william haas
Two Arm Long Cycle with 20kg Kettlebells
Competitions, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sport, Techniquebrittanyvs20kg, clean, jerk, long cycle, OKC, talc, technique, workout