I spent years overtraining as a Track & Field athlete, personal trainer, professional level Kettlebell Sport athlete, and beyond. I’m still healing from that overtraining more than a decade after the fact — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. As a consequence, I’ve taken a lot of time off from exercising over the last four years, and it has taught me many valuable lessons.
After years of disordered eating patterns and overtraining, I started tracking my food in January 2023 and realized I was chronically undereating protein. I switched to a high protein diet and the difference I noticed in my body was AMAZING, to say the least. Read on for all of the juicy details...
If you're thinking of buying a Pro Kettlebell and want to know more about their unique features, how they stack up against cast iron and other types of competition kettlebells, how they function for different styles of kettlebell training, and whether they're worth the price — read this review by World Champion KB Fit Britt.
If you're thinking of buying a Vulcan Absolute Competition Kettlebell and want to know more about their features, how they compare to cast iron and other types of competition kettlebells, considerations for Kettlebell Sport lifters, and whether they're worth the price — read on.