Snatcherday Kettlebell Workout

Here's a great workout to save for your next kettlebell snatch training session! What you'll do is 3 separate snatch sets. In set 1, you will snatch 4 minutes at 12rpm using a heavy bell. In set 2, you will snatch 6 minutes at 22rpm using a light bell. In set 3, you will complete max repetitions with your competition weight (if you don't know what that means, use a weight in between your heavy and light weights). As an example, I used 24kg for my heavy set, 12kg for my light set, and 20kg for max repetitions set. Rest 4 minutes between sets.

When I say max repetitions, I mean you go until either your grip fails OR you might tear your hand (I would avoid tearing your hands as much as possible because it can prevent you from training at 100% for days or weeks). Because your grip will already be fatigued by the time you reach set 3, it probably won't take too long to reach your max. ;)


Good luck, and remember to be smart and don't tear those hands!