KB Fit Britt

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Highlights of the 2015 Kettlebell Sport World Championships

Highlights from the 2015 Kettlebell Sport World Championships (and my travel so far):

Lifting on the platform next to top female Kettlebell Sport athletes Ksenia Dedukhina and Tatyana Potemkina. I did 87 repetitions and placed 4th out of 7 in the 63kg weight class. 

Watching my friend and athlete Kristen compete as an Amateur lifter.

Hanging with Team USA and catching up with kettle-friends from all over the world.

Having both of my parents there to watch me lift – I knew my mom would be there, but was totally shocked to look over during my warm up and see my dad in the crowd!

Exploring the city of Dublin and the Cliffs of Moher.

Getting the tour of London from my little sister (over 30,000 steps walked that day!)

Joining in a crazy leg workout at The Commando Temple with Katarina Helcmanovska.

Learning from the UK’s top Kettlebell Sport lifter Abigail Johnston.

Competing in my first IKFF Pentathlon in Aberdeen with my Scottish hosts Abigail and Angelina (I earned 1134.25 points and a silver medal).

Playing around on my hands with my new friend and hand balance expert Gayle Pocock in Glasgow.

Coffee and pastries!!! Why do they taste so much better in Europe?!

I just arrived in Oslo, Norway where I will be for 6 days before heading to the Netherlands for the last leg of my European tour!

Thanks for following my trip and all of your support going into the World Championships.

I forgot to acknowledge the 1-year anniversary of KB Fit Britt back in October… the blog and my KB Fit Britt Facebook page have given me lots of exposure and helped me enormously in building my personal brand over the past year. I want to do an even better job in 2016, so please let me know how my blog can provide the most value to you!

My goal is to share as much knowledge and give as much support as I can to my readers, and I love getting feedback. Shoot me an email info@kbfitbritt.com and let me know what you want to see more of on KB Fit Britt.