12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout

What better way to celebrate the week of Christmas than with a themed kettlebell workout? Whether or not you're into Christmas (I don't care all that much for it, if I'm honest), I think we can all get behind a good workout. :) 

If you've ever done a 12 days of Christmas workout, you know what you're in for. 

If you've NEVER done a 12 days of Christmas workout, GET READY!!!!

(Be warned: it doesn't look too bad on paper, but it's a tough workout and the reps start adding up quick.)

There are 12 exercises.

Each round begins with 1 TGU, and adds a new exercise, which is to be repeated again the following round. For example, the first round is simply 1 TGU. The second round is 1 TGU, 2 Deadlift. The third round is 1 TGU, 2 Deadlift, 3 Two Arm Clean. The fourth round is 1 TGU, 2 Deadlift, 3 Two Arm Clean, 4 Overhead Press.

Continue in this fashion until you finish with 12 Cossack Squats.

Enjoy and happy holidays!

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