Standing Kettlebell Kore Workout

I’m a big fan of total body workouts. It’s part of why I love kettlebell training so much — you can get an amazing full body workout with a single bell in a matter of minutes. So while today’s workout is labeled as a kore (core) workout, it’s really a total body workout… that will definitely make your core sore!

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Super Swing Kettlebell Workout

Many of my workouts lately have drawn inspiration from the kettlebell training program I recently completed, which is called KPP Solo. Working through this program has helped me go back to basics and discover deficits that I had skipped over previously. Slowing down, revisiting foundational movements, and exploring new ways to move with the kettlebell has done wonders for reigniting my love for kettlebells and improving my connection to my body!

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Single Arm Strong Kettlebell Workout

One of the benefits of kettlebell training is you can weight your body unilaterally to provide a unique stimulus which will improve strength and coordination of both sides of your body, which in turn helps you move better overall. If each limb and side of your body gets stronger on its own, it follows that the entire body will be stronger when they work together.

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