How to stay injury-free while training with kettlebells
Moving beyond the ranks by Avery Wittkamp
Blog, Competitions, Guest post, Kettlebell, Kettlebell SportbrittanyvsAvery Wittkamp, beyond the ranks, journey, lessons, progress, rank, ranks
Interview with world-reknowned kettlebell athlete Ksenia Dedyukhina
Blog, Competitions, Guest post, Interviews, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sport, KettleGuardbrittanyvsAvery Wittkamp, best female athlete, competition, kettlebell, kettlebell sport, Ksenia Dedyukhina, top lifter, training, world record
My "ugly" kettlebell set
Blog, Competitions, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sport, TechniquebrittanyvsFacebook, internet, kettlebell, kettlebell sport, rant, snatch, ugly
Interview with top kettlebell lifter Aleksander Khvostov