Holiday Hardstyle Pentathlon Challenge Event 2: BU Clean & Press 1RM

Event 2 of the Holiday Hardstyle Pentathlon Challenge is a Bottoms Up Clean & Press 1RM! Find the heaviest BU Clean & Press you can complete with control. Once the bell leaves the floor, you can only use one hand. You must fixate the bell and lock out your elbow over head. You only need to complete the BU Clean & Press on one side for your score to count.

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Holiday Hardstyle Pentathlon Challenge Event 1: TGU 1RM

Event 1 of the Holiday Hardstyle Pentathlon Challenge is a Turkish Get Up 1RM! Find the heaviest TGU you can complete with control, and make sure you start and end with the shoulder blades touching the ground. You only need to complete the TGU on one side for your score to count.

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Holiday Hardstyle Pentathlon Challenge: Introduction

Every Monday of December, a new kettlebell challenge will be released. You must complete the challenge and post a video along with all relevant information (your bodyweight and your kettlebell weight and/or reps) on social media and tag me @kbfitbritt . You can attempt as many times as you like during the week, but once you submit your attempt by tagging me, that is the score I will record. I will only accept scores that are submitted before the release of the next challenge. At the end of the 5 weeks, your score will be a compilation of your scores from each of the 5 events. 

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How to Fight Training Monotony

There are so many components within the technique of each Kettlebell Sport lift that it’s unlikely your training will be boring for at least the first year or two - you’ll be much too busy thinking of the 10 things you have to remember to do for each repetition. However, there is something to be said for training monotony once you’ve been competing in the sport for several years. Doing the same lift over and over again… OF COURSE it gets boring at some point. Especially if you’re focused on achieving a high-level rank with a particular weight kettlebell, you might begin to feel like you’re banging your head against the same proverbial ceiling.

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