And the bell went flying...
Competitions, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sportbrittanyvs24kg, bolt, competition, drop the bell, KOR Strength, KOR Strength and Conditioning, North Park, oalc, San Diego, talc, team
Master of Sport after 11 failed attempts: Marty Farrell
Competitions, Interviews, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sport, Kettlebell Sport History, Records, WorkshopsbrittanyvsAKC, Biathlon, first Master of Sport, jerk record, Kettlebell Sport history, Marty Farrell, Master of Sport, RKC, Rob Lawrence, Steve Cotter, Valery Federenko, WKC
How to avoid getting a "NO COUNT" in kettlebell competition
Competitions, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sport, Techniquebrittanyvsalignment, avoid getting a no count, Fixation, judging, lock out, no count, overhead position, rack position, technical fouls, what is fixation
How to become a lightning speed Snatcher
KB Fit Britt Interview with Fitness on Fire TV
Competitions, Interviews, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sport, Workshopsbrittanyvsbolt, Fitness on Fire, Fitness on Fire TV, interviews, Josh Graves, KOR Strength and Conditioning, workshop