Mad Minute Kettlebell Workout

Complete 1 minute of each exercise and repeat for 3-5 rounds: Swing to Squat, Side Lunge, Lunge to Halo, Deadlift to Push Up, Bear Crawl.

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Swing and TGU Challenge Kettlebell Workout

Complete 100 reps of kettlebell swings and 10 reps of Turkish Get Ups. You decide how many sets to break the repetitions up into; try to go unbroken with a light bell to work on strength-endurance and technique, or break into shorter sets with a heavier bell to build strength and power.

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The Beginner's Guide to Holding a Handstand

Learning to hold a handstand is a challenging skill that can take many months or even years to develop. While there is certainly a time and place for handstand walking or kicking up against a wall, neither is particular transferrable to holding a strong freestanding handstand. Instead, it’s necessary to work on specific drills that cultivate a hollow body line and balance, both together and separately. The guide below outlines everything you need to know to begin your journey to holding a handstand.

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12 Days of Christmas Kettlebell Workout

Let's celebrate Christmas with a kettlebell workout! Each round begins with 1 TGU, and adds a new exercise, which is to be repeated again the following round. For example, the first round is simply 1 TGU. The second round is 1 TGU, 2 Deadlift. The third round is 1 TGU, 2 Deadlift, 3 Two Arm Clean. The fourth round is 1 TGU, 2 Deadlift, 3 Two Arm Clean, 4 Overhead Press. Continue in this fashion until you finish with 12 Cossack Squats.

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