Rockin' Rotation Kettlebell Workout

I’ve been lifting kettlebells for many years, and I’ll be the first to say most kettlebell programs are lacking something… and that’s training rotational movement patterns. While there’s nothing wrong with getting very strong in the sagittal plane, too big of an imbalance increases the risk for pain and injury. Incorporating Rotational Movement Training (RMT) principles into kettlebell training is fun and translates into becoming better at locomotion!

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10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Lift Kettlebells

Kettlebell training is THE most efficient way to get functionally strong and fit. As a World Champion kettlebell lifter, I can say that without a doubt, kettlebells are one of the best “bang for your buck” tools to improve your health and fitness -- especially if you work at a desk for a living! I firmly believe that everyone would benefit from lifting kettlebells: children, desk jockeys, athletes and grandmothers alike. Here are 10 reasons why everyone should lift kettlebells…

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3 Drills for Thoracic Spine Mobility

If you work at a desk, chances are you need better thoracic mobility, which can affect breathing, posture, and shoulder function. The ability to flex, extend, and rotate the thoracic spine is best practiced frequently (daily if possible). Even just a few minutes a day can make a big difference!

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Train Anywhere Bodyweight Workout

Train anywhere with this total body workout that doesn’t require any equipment. I love bodyweight workouts for the simple fact that you can do them anywhere, anytime. Sometimes having less space and equipment allows for more creativity than the opposite!

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