Kettlebell Sport Spectating 101
Blog, Competitions, Kettlebell, Kettlebell SportbrittanyvsAKA, competition, IKFF, IKLF, kettlebell sport spectating 101, livestream, OKC, spectating, spectator
Return to KB Sport Series #3: Will Metcalf
I set a North American record in Long Cycle
Return to KB Sport Series #2: Emily Doenlen
Competitions, Guest post, Health, Injury, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sport, Nutritionbrittanyvsbroken arm, Emily Doenlen, injury, recovery, return to kettlebell sport
3 Kettlebell Mobility Drills
Fitness, Health, Kettlebell, Kettlebell Sportbrittanyvsbackbend, bridge push through, drill, jefferson curl, mobility, stretch, stretching, weighted shoulder dislocations