Complete the following intervals: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute. The amount of rest you take will vary depending on the weight kettlebells you use and how challenging you would like the workout to be. I recommend 1-3 minutes between sets. The goal is to hit a fast pace with good technique - somewhere between 8-12 repetitions per minute.
Read MoreTrain with kettlebells in a circuit, meaning you move from one exercise to the next with little to no rest. Complete each of the 5 exercises for 30 seconds (besides the carry, which is 30 seconds per side for a minute total).
Read MoreSave this one for your next Snatcherday workout! Complete 50 reps per arm at a medium kettlebell weight, with one hand switch and no set downs. Then do 2 sets of 30 swings per arm with a HEAVY kettlebell (heaviest you can use and maintain good form).
Read MoreWhile Andrea has been doing Kettlebell Sport since 2011, she really made a splash in the community over the last couple years with record-setting numbers in 2x20kg Long Cycle and a World Record and MSIC rank in 2x24kg Long Cycle at the WAKSC World Championships in 2018.
Read MoreAh, the ever-existing stereotype of someone who lifts a lot of weights...
Kettlebells are an amazing tool for building strength, power, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. However, a kettlebell is a submaximal load that is meant for increasing your strength-endurance and power, not necessarily building bulk and size.
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