Down the Mountain Kettlebell Sport Workout

Interval training is one of my favorite ways to practice Kettlebell Sport. You can choose to focus on speed, or use a heavier weight kettlebell than you normally would. Either way, you’ll get a great workout without the mental challenge of doing a long set

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Kettlebell Footwork Workout

Most kettlebell training is stationary, and while this can be convenient since you don’t need much room to train, it’s also important to learn to move with the kettlebell! Training footwork carries over to agility and athleticism, and allows for an infinite number of variations on the typical kettlebell exercises. In fact, you can start to develop much more complex kettlebell flows when you incorporate footwork. If that sounds complicated, have no fear… we’ll start with the basics!

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Kettlebell Sport Mash Up Workout

Kettlebell Sport training is a great way to build strength and cardiovascular endurance with longer sets. For this workout, you will practice Long Cycle, Snatch, Jerk, Clean, and finish with a Farmer Carry.

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Legs Galore Kettlebell Workout

Kettlebells are an amazing tool to increase leg strength, especially the glutes and hamstrings. Try the 5 exercises in this workout for a killer leg day! Simply set a timer for 20 minutes and get as many rounds in as possible.

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