Energetic Effect Kettlebell Workout

Use this kettlebell workout to increase (rather than deplete) your energy for the day! No need to rush through the movements, take your time and focus on using good technique.

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Swing Snatch Kettlebell Sport Workout

Kettlebell Sport style lifting is the most efficient way to lift kettlebells, and be used for fitness as well as training endurance. The main difference from generic kettlebell lifting is the use of the pendulum swing, which allows you to use gravity to your advantage to save energy.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Kettlebell Technique

Lifting kettlebells is a skill, and like any skill, practice is required to become competent. While kettlebell training is simple, it is by no means easy, and demands focus and dedication. As a coach, it’s my goal to teach kettlebells in a manner that is as easy as possible to learn. As such, I’ve created a list of the best 5 ways to improve your kettlebell technique that will help you progress faster and achieve better results!

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3 Simple Tips to Avoid Wrist Pain with Kettlebells

One of the most frequently asked questions about kettlebell training is how to avoid wrist pain. If you’re having trouble with the kettlebell slamming into your forearm when you clean, snatch, or do any other transition into the rack position, you’re not alone! Bruising up the forearm is common, and asking how to prevent doing so is a great question. Keep reading for 3 simple tips to avoid wrist pain with kettlebells, and a bonus video reviewing each tip in depth!

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