Snatcherday Kettlebell Workout

Here's a great workout to save for your next kettlebell Snatch training session. What you'll do is 3 separate snatch sets. In set 1, you will snatch 4 minutes at 12rpm using a heavy bell. In set 2, you will snatch 6 minutes at 22rpm using a light bell. In set 3, you will complete max repetitions with your competition weight (if you don't know what that means, use a weight in between your heavy and light weights).

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Death by Squats Kettlebell Workout

Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) you will do goblet squats with a kettlebell 25% of your bodyweight. Start with 3 reps at the top of the first minute and add 3 reps every round (i.e. 3, 6, 9, 12... and so on). Keep going until you reach failure OR you cannot complete the required amount of repetitions within the minute.

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