Legs & Lats Kettlebell Workout

Today's workout is a short but sweet strength workout, focused on the legs and lats. There are only three movements, and they're relatively simple. You'll need a medium to heavy weight kettlebell and a pull up bar (or a suspension trainer).

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The Aspect of Health No One Talks About

While I’m generally a happy person, I have experienced times of sadness, doubt, fear, and purposelessness. In fact, I regularly have periods of time where I feel anxious and/or low. I find it hard to share my negative emotions with others when I’m in that place. I know that other people go through similarly challenging periods. Many actions you can take to improve your mental state are low-hanging fruit, while others are a bit more complicated...

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The Thing I Hate About the Fitness Industry

You can’t blame trainers and nutritionists who fulfill the demand, because we all gotta eat, but… are one-size-fits-all nutrition and fitness programs really helping anyone? Shouldn’t trainers teach people an approach that allows for individuality and sets them up for success in the long run? 

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Swole & Flexi Kettlebell Workout

I've said it before and I'll say it again... mobility training is just strength training at your end range. The more mobile you become, the more ranges of motion you can access and utilize, and the stronger and more ninja-like you become! Who doesn't want to be able to crush weights AND do the splits?! If that's not motivation to add more mobility in your life, I don't know what is. 

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I Used to Think Health Was A Look

If a person didn't have a visible six pack, it meant they needed to work out harder and restrict calories. "Being healthy is easy," I thought, "all you need is the willpower to cut carbs to stay in caloric deficit, and work out every day." It worked for me. Or I thought it did. Mind you, I was also 20 years old. ;)

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