How to Improve Your Mobility

Iā€™d argue that mobility training and workout out can go hand in hand, or actually be the same thing. As I mentioned earlier, mobility training is just strength training at your end ranges. Working on improving end range strength and controlling the range of motion that you do have will make everything else you do work better and FEEL better.

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Prime Time Kettlebell Workout

Training unilaterally has a number of benefits, for the brain and the body alike. Unilateral training is often used in injury rehabilitation because the brain stimulates both sides of the body even though only one is actually working. Therefore, priming each side of the body with unilateral exercises can increase bilateral strength as well.

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Kettlebell Flow Fit Workout 2.0

My first Kettlebell Flow Fit workout had a lot of views on my YouTube channel, so I decided to make a version 2.0 incorporating a couple new flow movements I've been practicing! Complete 30 seconds of goblet squat, rotation clean and press, two arm clean to side lunge, and snatch.

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